
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Colon Theatre in Buenos Aires

Is the Colon Theatre the most beautiful of all theatres in the world? That is what Mikhail Baryshnikov thinks. And Sweden's own Birgit Nilson fell in love with this theatre as well. She said:"..the ideal acoustics and the knowing and enthusiastic public all this combined is really unique, and therefore for me the Teatro Colon is number one..."
And I myself enjoyed the tour of the theatre a lot. It is really possible to envision all the famous artists of the world that has performed here, the gala dressed audience, the whole atmosphere of this famous theatre, rated among the 5 best operahouses in the world when it comes to acoustics.
And I was so happy to hear that Gustavo Dudamel will again perform here this coming season (March to December). He is honorary conductor of the Gothenburg Symphony in Gothenburg, Sweden (my native country). And recently named Musical America's 2013 Musician of the Year!


Back to Colon. Upon entering the theatre I was so impressed by the beautiful staircase in white Carrara marble, the columns made in reddish Verona marble and yellow marble from Siena, all imported from Europe! The two lions that guard the staircase are made of beautiful Portuguese marble. It really was amazing, the Auditorium, the Galley with the busts of our big composers like Bethooven, Wagner, Bellini and more, the Ceilings with beautiful paintings, the Golden Hall, the Stage that is 34,50 m by 35,25 m and one of the largest in the world! And the very splendid central chandelier with 753 bulbs and weighs approximately 5 tons. If you are in Buenos Aires do not miss this beauty and maybe you are lucky to attend a concert, opera or a ballet!

Ett besök på El Teatro Colon är väl värt din tid! Nyligen restaurerad visar den upp sin fantastiska glans med marmor av bästa sort, statyer, kandelabrar, sammetsklädda stolar, en av världens största scener, guldplaterade marmorpelare och mycket mer. Vår Birgit Nilson ansåg detta operahus vara nummer 1 och vilka scener över hela världen har inte besökts av henne? Det är nästan med andäktighet man guidas runt i denna överdådiga byggnad som invigdes för andra gången den 25 maj 1908 med operan Aida av Giuseppe Verdi. Operahuset stod först färdigt 1857 men mot slutet av århundradet behövde man renovera, en process som tog cirka 20 år. Teatern var stängd mellan 2006 och fram till 2010 återigen p g a renovering. Besök Teatro Colon om du är i Buenos Aires, du ångrar dig inte! 

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